Automate your routine activities

Softlab is a software development company focusing on RPA, i.e. automating work processes using software robots.

“RPA not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of business processes, but also saves employees from having to spend their time on boring and repetitive tasks.”

Sven Allik


We understand that every organization is unique. That is why we offer personal solutions that are precisely adapted to your needs and goals. We don't just offer a one-size-fits-all solution, we work closely with our clients to create the perfect fit that creates the greatest value for you.


Our solutions are designed for maximum efficiency and productivity. By automating tasks and processes, we help save time and resources, allowing you to focus more on your core activities.


Simplicity and user-friendliness are of primary importance when creating our solutions. Our systems are easy to use, which means you can adopt them quickly and efficiently. Our goal is to make automation accessible to everyone by reducing complexity and providing simple solutions that increase the efficiency of your business.

Move with the times and make your tasks automatic.

Work smarter, automate your routine tasks. That way you will have more time to do more important things or just rest 🙂

Technology that really helps You on a daily basis

RPA, i.e. robotic process automation, is considered one of the key solutions for optimizing the solution of routine tasks. RPA is like an additional outsourced workforce that focuses on routine tasks and thereby frees up company employees to deal with more important tasks.

Reduces costs & technical errors

RPA can pay for itself in just a few months, and normal human errors are now a thing of the past.

Helps grow a business

RPA’s quick profitability and low maintenance costs help the company’s employees to deal with more important things and thus make the company grow faster.

The solutions we offer

RPA - Automation

We create AI-based software robots for your routine tasks

Data collection & analysis

We collect, store and analyze the big data

Machine learning - AI

We train the machine to recognize objects from images or videos

Software development

We create software according to your wishes as a special solution


We integrate ChatGPT with your daily activities


Find out more about how we can help you

Let's identify Your company's needs

Every company is different. Feel free to write to us and we will help you identify the needs of your company.